Name of that MSG song : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

does anyone know the name of that mobile suit gundam song that plays a lot during the series? the first time it played was in the first epsisode amuro was trying to drive away but he almost runs into federation soldiers and the zaku ends up shooting them. toonami did an awesome remix of the song in their opening intro of the show. i'm trying to find it and it's really hard since this show is so old.

-- Anonymous, June 04, 2003



-- Anonymous, June 05, 2003

well, other times they play this song:

in "time, be still", it starts when amuro can't get to the last bomb because it's under the arm and the white base crew has to race to move it.

and in "the battle of odessa", when m'quve gives the order to launch the nuke the song starts when the nuke deploys.

i've been trying to look for this song. if anyone knows the name of it, then i'd greatly appreciate it.

-- Anonymous, June 06, 2003

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