Naruto episodes again...bittorrent isn't working : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

Bit Torrent isn't working and i don't know why...I used to use bit torrent and it worked fine but now it says the is some 400 something error. I'm trying to find Naruto episodes that I can direct download straight off the website without any programs...either that or have someone e-mail me (not streamload of freeload either)

Thanx, Jacob

-- Anonymous, June 03, 2003


Occasionally they have Naruto eps there. Don't use accelerating programs though...

Also, what is the actual error msg you get? (post it verbatim [word for word])

-- Anonymous, June 04, 2003

I got Naruto 1 - 35, if you like to get the ep just im me at HolyRyuShinken. I could send them to you or i could tell you where to get it.

-- Anonymous, June 06, 2003

Actually bittorrent is working. What one possible problem may be is the fact that bt downloads have increased in popularity, and more people are calling files from their terminals at a higher rate at certain times (your usual download times). Just let that one particular download sit on your taskbar until it comes back (usually about 5-20 minutes if you're patient) also try Kazaa, alot more people are sharing there. Later.

-- Anonymous, June 07, 2003

Plzz can someone send me Naruto episodes 24-35 plzz im SN is SharinganSoul

-- Anonymous, August 20, 2003

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