Yellow Box for the F4 : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

has anyone installed one of these? if so, how was the installation? hard? easy? Thanks!

-- ben kifle (, June 03, 2003


Greetings Ben,

I wish I had more of a clue as to what you are talking about. Yello Box?

-- Tim W (, June 04, 2003.

a yellow box is a device that you plug in-line with the speedo and the trasnmision or whatever speed sensor you have, and it will calibrate the speedometer to show an 100% accurate speed. i actually just emailed the folks at and Jennifer said they have sold units for the MV and have had no cmplaints. i'm still not sure how the installation is, though=/

-- ben (, June 04, 2003.

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