hellsing ?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

yo i was wondering if they were making a season 2 of hellsing and if they were when it would be release. Also this is a bit off topic but does any one know where i can get lunar 1 + 2 iso for sega cd ? Thanks any help would be valued.

-- Anonymous, June 01, 2003


Hellsing: there are only 13 eps. I can't remember a lot about it at this moment [long, sleep deprived weekend at an anime convention], but there wasn't enough time for them to do any more from the manga. It is very doubtful that they will finish the series, however, I understand that Helling is becoming more popular not only in the USA, but also in Japan. This could be good news...

-- Anonymous, June 02, 2003

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