HELP! anyone know where to downlaod anime Music? : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread |
Anyone know a good site to download all the anime musics? are alot of anime music? if u do please help me out.
-- Anonymous, May 30, 2003
Hey, the best program for anime music that ive tried is kazaa. Yeah, i know, it sucks for anime episodes, but for music, it owns, being that it was originally designed for media anyway!
-- Anonymous, May 31, 2003
Yeah! I know a great place that rotates mp3s on request^_^ I also know a couple other places that aren't so good if you're really super interested.
-- Anonymous, June 01, 2003
Give me specifics and I can tell you.
-- Anonymous, June 01, 2003
Yeah, kazaa ownz for mp3s, even whole OSTs. Try Kazaalite for all your musical needs.
-- Anonymous, June 02, 2003