908cc big bore kit

greenspun.com : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

Does anyone have the Superbike Racing (Casoli) Big bore kit fitted to your bike? I need some info. Thanks, Tim

-- Tim Anglim (timanglim@earthlink.net), May 27, 2003


Better late than never.I have the big bore kit and titanium rods etc. The bike has much better power lower down - ie torque improved but has annoying flat spot at 6000 rpm which requires some mapping work. Probably need Power commander 3 and a top dyno shop for 1/2 a day. Straight through pipes make it breathe at top end better but may upset those of a nervous disposition.Please note that post 2000 engines trash the valves with this conversion - they have a waisted valve stem and they break!!!! New special valves required.Also engine temp is raised and in summer gets very hot and quickly has the fan in when idling in traffic - needs bigger rad really. But overall performance is much better than std F4. But new 1000 makes it a questionable exercise now.

-- Peter Fox (peterhellworks@aol.com), January 07, 2004.

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