Animesuki gone for : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread | has been down recantly and there were some rumors that it wasnt coming back and others that said it would be back in like a week. I was wondering if nebody knows whats really going to happen to it since it was the best provider for my anime dl.
-- Anonymous, May 27, 2003
go to their web site and read the damn thing.
-- Anonymous, May 27, 2003
Hm....isn't that interesting...YOU CAN'T!!!! THE SITE IS DOWN!!! Did you even listen to what the guy was saying? You can't go there. I keep trying to go for Naruto, but it keeps sending me to some crap search place. I dunno what happened Bavs, but it sucks that it's down.
-- Anonymous, August 31, 2003
try this i think this is a backup
-- Anonymous, September 09, 2003