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will anyone lets me borrow(kinda) their streamload account cause theres like 5 anime i want to get but you can't get em on kazza or anything and can't buy em anywhere(that i know of..) also does anyone know where to find all japanese manga????

-- Anonymous, May 26, 2003


Hey, ya know, that is a pretty good idea! Any samaritans out there that have streamload accounts, this is what you could do. First you change your password into something different. Then you set up a "session" with someone else to use your account (aka. Give the password and stuff like that), and when they're done, you just change the password back to what it was originally. Of course, I'm assuming that on streamload, in order to change your password, you need to give your personal information (address, secret question, etc.). That way, if you lent someone your account, they couldn't steal it by changing the password and stuff. Great idea, KaRMa! Now, we just need to find some people who are willing to do such a thing for a fellow anime fan.. ^_^' Anyway, if anyone out there is, let me know as well!

-- Anonymous, May 26, 2003

Ummm....I don't think that's such a good idea. Why don't you just find a samaritan that's willing to host the file on streamload for you? That way you wont have access to their account but you will be able to get the files you want by using their download.

That is if you can find anyone willing to let you use there already paid for download. All you have to pay is $5/month and if those are all you want to download you can do it for just one month. If you want them that badly you'd think you could fork that out. Even if you're too young to set up an account yourself, I'm sure you could pay your parents or someone that is old enough $5 to set it up for you. I'm pretty cheap myself, but I think I could spare $5 if I wanted the anime that badly. Oh well, good luck finding someone that'll let you mooch off of them. ^_^

-- Anonymous, May 26, 2003

Okay, but does anyone know where to buy japanese manga??(in ottawa???)

-- Anonymous, May 28, 2003

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