Kindaichi Shonen No Jikembo manga scans...? : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread |
Hey people.. just wondering if any1 could help me find a site with Kindaichi Shonen No Jikembo manga scans, cos I've been searching and there's virtually nothing out there! Onegai.....-doumo arigatou -
-- Anonymous, May 26, 2003
*cough cough* yeah...I've tried to find Kindaichi Shounen no Jikenbo too...although this isn't much of an answer, they've become even more rare because Tokyopop has licensed the manga (for sure), but I dunno on the anime...the first compiled volume is called "The Kindaichi Case Files: The Opera House Murders"... hope that helps a bit...
-- Anonymous, June 11, 2003