Is working??? : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

... is it just me, or is not working? I go there often to DL stuff.......... It's been like this since yesterday, at least. I'm so confused! Thanks.

-- Anonymous, May 23, 2003


no the sites down right now :(

-- Anonymous, May 24, 2003

Heres ur answer :

BitTorrent @ --------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------

Those idiots... For several weeks AnimeSuki was under attack from DoS (Denial of Service) attacks. Most of you may not have noticed much of this because they only lasted a few hours at most and were blocked by a firewall on the server and by my server provider. Unfortunately, my server provider was apparently fed up with those attacks and pulled the plug of the AnimeSuki server. Although I can understand their network might have been affected a bit by the attacks, isn't this giving those damn ------ ------ exactly what they want?

Fortunately I have the funds to find new (and better) server provider to move to. Unfortunately that's easier said than done. My rough initial estimate is if AnimeSuki survives this and is revived, it'll take a week at least (possibly more).

In the mean while, here are some alternatives to AnimeSuki: About AnimeSuki Torrents: the tracker is still online. The torrents files can be found here.

As for server data: fortunately I made the habbit of backing up files frequently and database data daily, so when AnimeSuki returns very little (24-48 hours worth) will be lost from what was already in the database. But we will need to get up to speed with what will be released between now and when we return.

Gerard Krijgsman (aka GHDpro) Maintainer,

Note: This domain might be temporary redirected now, but email still doesn't work. If you really need to contact me, use:

--------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- Status 2003/05/24 07:00 - Openend my mail. Wow. Thanks everyone for your support! 2003/05/23 21:00 - Ordered a new server of FDC Servers. Waiting to get server login info from them. 2003/05/23 17:30 - Might choose as new provider. 2003/05/23 12:30 - Search for new server provider begins. Assistance welcomed. 2003/05/23 12:00 - Temporary redirects set up. DNS changes will take up to 48 hours though. 2003/05/23 11:00 - On a bad day to sleep out, I only notice this at 11:00. 2003/05/23 01:00 - Server pulled by my server provider (RackShack).

-- Anonymous, May 24, 2003

U can see this there < >

-- Anonymous, May 24, 2003

Wow. thanks! I never would have found that on my own... well, it gives me the "The page cannot be displayed" message every time I go to that URL. So, that's why I'm so confused. But things are good now. Thanks again!!

-- Anonymous, May 24, 2003

They are now hosting some torrent file go there < >

-- Anonymous, May 25, 2003

I really hope GHDpro can rescue AnimeSuki. I want the forums back :p

-- Anonymous, May 27, 2003

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