wht is 'manga' and 'anime'???greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread |
wht is 'manga' and 'anime'???whats the difference between them???
-- Anonymous, May 13, 2003
Generally, Manga is Japanese for all comics, and Anime is Japanese for all cartoons. When used outside of Japan, they are usually used to refer to only Japanese comics or cartoons.
-- Anonymous, May 13, 2003
Thats almost true manga but manga and anime r still diffeerent then cartoons.
-- Anonymous, May 13, 2003
Damn r u new. Manga are books so u can read the cartoon. Manga=Japanese comic books. Anime r cartoons on TV.
-- Anonymous, June 10, 2003
E-mail me.I'll get you set upwith some of basicecential animes. (If you wacth cartoon network they play anime in the whole slot)...uhh..If new Please don't asuume that all animes are just different forms of DragonBall Z.)I get that alot when somone new comes in)
-- Anonymous, June 11, 2003
Oppps....I meant the whole Toonbami slot...gogomen
-- Anonymous, June 11, 2003
Yeah I screwed up again....Toonami*
-- Anonymous, June 11, 2003