Brief summary on Anime oriented sharing and buying... : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

First of all, I would just like to say that this is mostly my own opinions and that of a few others. This has to do with sharing Anime and recieving anime.

All in all, if the particular anime is released, please buy it. That way there will be more anime for us all.

Here is a summary:

P2P - Slow (unless you tweak your settings and go via supernode) Bittorent - Rare, reasonably fast, but rare. Especially good anime quality. Most are in *.rar format. mIRC - Reasonable, but the lines (as in waiting) suck. In time wise the P2P is faster.

There are others:

AIM: Depends on connection. Can be REALLY fast, or REALLY slow. Yahoo!: Have to send about 15 packets, but pretty fast. MSN: Forget about it. You also have to send in packets.

Just in case you don't know what a packet is, that is when you can up the movie into serveral parts and send each one individually. Most times this is done under *.rar format which is lame, and is horrible.

Fastest most Efficient:

You have to pay, sorry, but that's they way it goes.

Prices can range from $15 - $65

Logically, these paysites are more oriented the adult version of Anime, but you can download others that are not.

So, finally you are left with buying the DVD or VCD.

DVD - $50+, depending on distributer.

VCD - $10+, depending on distributer.

If you buy VCD, try and buy them from abroad. That is cheaper, even with the pakaging bill. However, DVD has a much higher quality rate and they have games and stuff, only if you're into that.

All in all, I try to buy DVD's, have some VCD's and download a lot.

I rip some of my DVD's so that I can share with people.

That's all for now.

-- Anonymous, May 09, 2003

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