What were the names of all Poe's wives?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : The Work of Edgar Allan Poe : One Thread

I know about Virginia, but didn't he have more wives? Thanks

-- Anonymous, May 08, 2003


You know them all. One big failed courtship- Elmira Royster and several others after Virginia's death- including coming full circle to the widowed Royster-Shelton again.

-- Anonymous, May 08, 2003

He never married Elmira Royester. He married Virginia. After Virginias death he was going to marry Elmaira, but he died.

-- Anonymous, May 12, 2003

he loved virginia a lot, she was his cousin too.

-- Anonymous, May 13, 2003

poe had 3 wives but had 2 of them enuled

-- Anonymous, May 13, 2003


-- Anonymous, November 10, 2004

Sharp-ears, Wise-nose, Swish-tail and Bumpkin

سنی اسلام

-- Anonymous, November 10, 2004

but didnt he marry nnabel lee or did she die before they could?

-- Anonymous, November 14, 2004

Annabel Lee was the same person as Virginia, only he used a different name for his poem 'Annabel Lee'.

-- Anonymous, November 14, 2004

i want to about his family and about him and i want to see his family pictures.

-- Anonymous, November 30, 2004

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