Downloading : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread |
Why is it that when ever i click on a episode link to go "Save Target As" its greyed out. It never used to do that, is there any way to fix that? I can't download episodes as fast now and i have to search the temp. inernet files to fish out the episode i just downloaded. Thanks for any help
-- Anonymous, May 07, 2003
I have the same problem, what you can do is find a program called GetRight (works good for me)and it works the same way as save target as but you clic on dl whit GetRight. just look on google to find it
-- Anonymous, May 07, 2003
You can find it at I have it but I don't use it very often, since I rarely download directly anymore, but it's pretty good for the larger files.
-- Anonymous, May 07, 2003