Progression from beginner to high altitude : LUSENET : Mountaineering : One Thread


Right the situation now: I'm 18, in "resonable" shape, have always been fascinated by mountains and enjoyedfamily holidays in Austria etc. and am now getting into hiking and rock climbing. However wildly far off it may seem, I would like to think starting so early means, taking the right steps, I could one day climb one, some, or all, or the 8000m peaks...

the advice im looing now, is as to whats the best steps to take in the next few years (I have four years at uni - perhaps enough to get me through that, meaning experience with minimal cost :o/ ) to aim for these goals.

i have joined classes at my climbing gym, am loving every minute and progressing well. Im in the gym and running, walking, hiking and doing genral weights 3-4 times a week trying to increase my cardcio ability and shift a bit of weight. as of next year I will be doing geology for four years (fieldwork!) and have an interview for an expedition to Svalbard in the Arctic (leaving summer 04)

if you have read this far thank you!! please contribute any advice, and perhaps intermediate milstones to aim for (based in the UK so for example Mont Blanc is more useful than a US peak :) )



-- Peter Holland (, May 05, 2003


apologies for the appaling typing back there! submitted before checking it over :o/

-- Peter Holland (, May 05, 2003.

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