Web Sites of Interest

greenspun.com : LUSENET : A place to put our books, and make good music : One Thread

So, in the spirit of kicking our bulletin board into action again:

I've recently been enjoying two magazines that have a lot of very informative articles relevant to this issue. They are:

1. Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living. Their website is at http://ww.ic.org . The focus is on intentional communities, particularly those which maintain an eco-friendly focus. There's also a laid-back, green-friendly grassroots political vibe to the publication. Articles in the most recent issue include "Creating 'Ecovillage Zoning' with Local Officials" and "Cabins, Computers, and Construction Dust."

2. Mother Earth News: The Original Guide to Living Wisely. Their website is http://www.motherearthnews.com . They maintain a similar focus without the particular emphasis on community. As such, they have a more diverse range of articles, some of which are tangential or altogether off-topic for this board, but the recent issue's articles "Build Your Own Home for just $50/sq. ft." and even "Habitat Goes Green" are more up our alley, as was the previous issue's "How to Buy Land." Speaking of which, they get points for publishing a lot of information and links on their website (including articles from past issues) and for sending out the occasional complimentary back issue at no charge.

Also, this isn't the right area for us, and more than likely comes with a fair deal of expectations as to what you'd do if you won, but http://www.organicfarmgiveaway.com is an interesting idea.

-- Anonymous, May 05, 2003

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