Help!!!!!!! : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread |
Dose any know any good places to DL anime i'm getting tired of Kazaa if abyone can give me some places
-- Anonymous, April 30, 2003
Look at the question that says I FOUND I FOUND Inuyasha Ep.... they have all the inuyasha up to ep 105 some ranma and more. Just clic on the one you want and wait it might take a few minutes but a dl screen will appear. hoping that this is what your looking for!
-- Anonymous, April 30, 2003
Go here:, and download and install bittorrent. Then go here:, and scroll down through the series till you see one you like. Then click on the link and let bittorrent handle the rest. Even if it's slow, it almost certainly won't be as slow as Kazaa, and it will be better quality too.
-- Anonymous, April 30, 2003