Has anyone actually watched the DBGT eps from funimation?

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Is it me or did Funimation combine like 6 episodes into one??? What happened to Ledgic?? It's a disgrace they butchered the series.

-- Anonymous, April 27, 2003


i'm pretty sure it's safe to say that the entire db franchise managed to butcher itself beyond any form of repair...it's no real disgrace at all...

-- Anonymous, April 27, 2003

who or whats ledgic, i have seen every single episode of dragonball. from bdz to gt they haven't butchered any eps besides cutting each ep short tho its a shame.

-- Anonymous, April 27, 2003

Well yeah the series have been screwed with way too much but the American version of DBGT just pushed it over the edge. The eps don't even make any sense.

-- Anonymous, April 27, 2003

The first episode of Funi's DBGT is actually episodes 1-16!!!

-- Anonymous, April 27, 2003

goddamn good thing i didnt buy any dbgt dvds will i'm going to wait for them to dubed uncut.

-- Anonymous, April 28, 2003

This is why I bought the eps in Japanese with subtitles, besides the fact that I got to see the series before most people. And if you ask me Funimation just !@#$%^ screws up dbgt. The storyline is still the same but the series is just not nearly as good. And there is no logic at all!?!!

-- Anonymous, April 29, 2003

Like was already stated, Funi combined the first 16 episodes into 1. Myself as well as other hardcore fans don't like it but it was a wise move on Funi's part. The first part of DBGT in Japan was a flop..it was more or a dragonball plotline that a DBZ plotline and it didn't go over well. Funi probably just figured the American audience would respond the same way..so they fuKed with it. They don't care about the integrity of the show, just about making money and keeping the show alive and successful. To be honest,I would rather just see the show do well and continue, I can still see those original Japanese eps (or download the UK version shown on CNX)

-- Anonymous, April 30, 2003

You know for the people that keep saying they've seen every episode of DBGT and claim there is no Ledgic, you better watch the eps again. Sure he's not a major character but it's the first fight Chibi Gokou changes into a super saiyan. So, please watch episode 5 again and STOP SAYING THERE'S NO LEDGIC!!!!!

-- Anonymous, April 30, 2003

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