Onegai Teacher Episode 07 and OVA : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

does anyone know where I can get Onegai Teacher episode 7 and the OVA? I've Kazaa and Imesh, and they're going REALLY slow with those 2 files. I got DSL and I'm downloading at 3kbs. :( if anyone has any places, could u please tell me? And, if they're coming out more eps, like a new series of the show or something, does anyone knows when? thanx, bye.

-- Anonymous, April 26, 2003


have you try dl from soulseek there pretty quick for me. i dont know anything about the ova but there is a connect series with onegai teacher, it is not about the same charaters it is called onegai twins. and if you hear anything about the ova please let me know.

thanks lo vang

-- Anonymous, September 22, 2003

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