.Hack// Sign HELP!!!greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread |
what the diffrence between hack sign and hack udeden?????????
-- Anonymous, April 25, 2003
Aren't there different characters or a different storyline?
-- Anonymous, April 25, 2003
ya but why do they have the same name thats so wierd...does that mean they have no conection to each other
-- Anonymous, April 26, 2003
.hack//sign happen at 2009.(I think, coz it has 1/2 year time differnece with the game, as the game is at 201X, the game should be at 2010) Then comes .hack (PS2 games), which Liminity OAV's are together with it.(Infection, Liminity OAV 1, Mutation LIminity OAV 2, Outbreak, Liminity OAV 3, Quoritine, Liminity OAV 4, this is the time line of Liminity and the games.) 4 Years after the game, u have UdeDen.Sign revolves around Tsukasa and the gang, with Tsukasa having the inability of Logging out, they find the mystery.....
UdeDen, is where the 2 person, Shuugo and Rena won a character contest and had been given 2 locked character models, the model of the heros of .hack(PS2 games), Kite and Blackrose. Then mysterious things have been happening around them...
Hope this explains all ur doubts
-- Anonymous, April 26, 2003
BTW, they are of the same series, and all of them revolves around things happening in "The World", a MMORPG
-- Anonymous, April 26, 2003
thank you :)
-- Anonymous, April 26, 2003