Whats with my //sign and some other anime episodes?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

When i try to convert: .hack//sign 17 .hack//sign 18 .hack//sign 23 .hack//Liminity OVA 3 Gundam SEED 1

to MPEG file format, it just give me a 70-90 Min file when they are all just 20++ Min. When i convert it, after the 20++ min, it has a HUGE chunk of blank frames for about the rest of the 60 min. Why dont i source or stop? When i try to do source clippping or when i stop the conversion when it just ended, it will have NO SOUND! WTF can someone help me?

(PS, i'm using TMPGEncoder)

-- Anonymous, April 24, 2003


maybe we could get a bit more information on the file types you are trying to convert, what are they encoded with ?

-- Anonymous, April 24, 2003

Well, i'm trying to convert from AVI to MPEG file type with the TMPGEncoder coz i want to watch it as a VCD...

-- Anonymous, April 25, 2003

I believe they are encoded with DivX which is also encoded with the other episodes and i can convert em...

-- Anonymous, April 25, 2003

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