Does anyone have any MIDI sequencing experience? : LUSENET : Everything About Teaching and Learning the Piano : One Thread

I hope this is not too much off the subject, but I have hooked up my new Yamaha P120 keyboard to my Voyetra Orchestrator sequencer software so I can record some demo songs for local jobs. However, I can only get the piano sound built in to the computer to play, and it's not a very realistic sound patch. Does anyone know how I can get the piano sound from the Yamaha onto a CD?

Thanks in advance,

Chris Huff

-- Chris Huff (, April 21, 2003


Go into Voyetra Orcha. and choose setting go into your Midi setting or midi device and choose your input and output and be sure on your input you have your Yamaha chosen as your sound output and disable your sound card sound. Be sure your hook up from Yamaha to your computer connected correctly just play arround I'm pretty sure you'll get the sound you want. Patience is the first must. Good luck

-- (, April 24, 2003.

You are talking about two different things. You cannot get the sound of the Yamaha keyboard to play through your computer using MIDI. The keyboard sound should come from the keyboard, and the sound of your sound card will come from your computer. MIDI does not send sounds, only performance information. If you want to record the sound of the Yamaha keyboard, you need to run an audio input line (not MIDI) from the keyboard to the line-in connection on your sound card. I'm not familiar with Orchestrator, but most sequencers today record audio as well as MIDI. If Orchestrator cannot record audio, your computer sound card or Windows should have software that will record basic audio files. If you still need to find audio recording software, take a look at the audio recorders at

-- Jon Ensminger (, April 28, 2003.

Thank you for your responses. I connected the keyboard to the soundcard using an audio cable and got a little further but not all the way. I think the problem now is converting the midi to wave files using my outdated software. I ordered a new software program hopefully that will solve my problem.

-- (, April 29, 2003.

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