leaky waterpump replacement

greenspun.com : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

anyone replace there owne waterpump. Is it straight forward bolt in replacement or is there a special dealer repair. Its for a 2000 f-4 thanks bob

-- bob burdick (rlburdick@yahoo.com), April 17, 2003


How many miles on your bike?

-- Jay (mark-tan@excite.com), April 18, 2003.

I have 962 miles thanks bob

-- bob burdick (rlburdick@yahoo.com), April 18, 2003.

Bob, I replaced mine last fall, was very straightforward, no tricks. I waited months for the replacement pump to arrive, do you already have yours? Let us know how it goes.

-- greg petersen (gntpete@nvbell.net), April 21, 2003.

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