Zero gold armour in Mgeman x5. : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

I saw in cheat codes sites that we can have Zero with a gold armour in Megaman x5(psx), the code is : "press Up, Up, Up, X, X, Circle, Up, Down, Circle, Triangle, Up, Left, Triangle at the screen selection mode", I tried but it 's not working and it won't work because if you press X it selects the character; is it a true code ? And another ting,it seems there is a secret song in MMX5 called "secret song", I listen it by the net but i didn't find that music in the game, can some one explain me that or gimme a hint ?

-- Anonymous, April 14, 2003


OOPS I missed my click. Sorry.

-- Anonymous, April 14, 2003

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