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need help finding inuyasha epesodes 1-74 no kaaza or shareware

-- Anonymous, April 12, 2003


use kazaa...... not the original kazaa, use k++. its kazaa but better, go search for k++ in google. I download inuyasha 1-95 in 1 week usin tat program. ^-^ anywayz...... u cant find inuyasha in sites cause it has been release..

-- Anonymous, April 12, 2003

no kaaza it does not work very well

-- Anonymous, April 13, 2003

There aren't any websites that have Inuyasha Episodes for you to download. I've seen some posts that listed a couple if you care to go back and look, but I haven't seen any sites that have all of the episodes for download. Sorry.

-- Anonymous, April 19, 2003

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