Does anybody know a site to download full 1-26 chobits eps without using streamload or anythin?? : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

pleassee help me lol iv been trying to use kazza and winmx but they take way too long :( plz if anybody knows a site to download them, email or reply ^-^


-- Anonymous, April 09, 2003


go to you have to download their software first; its called Bittorrent and install it. don't worry its not a spyware program or anything like that. it just helps to download the file ur getting and upload it back onto whomever is also trying to get the same file. Also if this site doesn't have wat you're looking for u can try, but this site is fairly limited in its selections but very fast d/l speeds. GL

-- Anonymous, April 13, 2003

mmmhmm i went to those sites... the needanime one doesnt have any chobits and the bittorent one takes forreevverr lol

-- Anonymous, April 13, 2003

You wont find it there, alll that you will find is unliscensed anime (sadly). Your best bet is kazaa and that should only take long if ur not on broadband, or that your participation is too low.So if you dont share you will wait forever.Most ppl like me have had it with leechers who have good dl speeds and dont share.So if you are a leech start sharing and raise your level.I was able to get at least 3-4eps of chobits a day.

-- Anonymous, April 23, 2003

Well, you can use kazaa-lite. So your participation level will always be at max.

-- Anonymous, May 26, 2003

I don't Know a site but if you want I'll E-mail the Episodes to you.

-- Anonymous, June 11, 2003

I also want the chobits,i'm using kazaa lite but it still goes slow (50kbps),BitTorrent is much faster,but i can't find any sites,and i u don't know where 2 can u have it??????=(

-- Anonymous, July 20, 2003

bittorent links: (batch Dvd-rip ep 1-4) (ep 1,2,3)

these torrent links r new, so altho there're only 4 eps, there'll be more coming, so just keep track (i think they'll release 1 new ep per week), it also means there're still seeds, so get it fast!

-- Anonymous, July 20, 2003

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