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Does anyone who has kazza lite have episode 8 (Sword of the king) of yami no matsuei that has subtittles and doesen't have all the sound timming off in it ?????? ,.:;;:.,
-- Anonymous, April 06, 2003
I had the same pb as you.. I downloaded this episode and it took me a while to understand what was going on. I should have turned off the sound at once, it would have been more understandable.By the way, I'd like to say something about Yami no Matsuei. It is a cool anime, it's ok, nice to follow, well-drawn.. BUT it is a rip- off of Clamp's "Tokyo Babylon". I was quite shocked by this. I'm sorry, but you can easily substitute the 3 main characters (Tsuzuki, Hisoka and Muraki) to those of TB. For example, Muraki the doctor is very very close to Seishiro the veterinarian.. and Tsuzuki's relationship (and even dialogues) with this Muraki is so close to Seishiro and Subaru's.. Except that Tokyo Babylon is much older than Yami no Matsuei.
So many elements are the same... the best should be the fact that Hisoka is cursed by Muraki after he saw him murder a woman under a cherry tree.. doesn't it remind anybody of something???.. I couldn't believe my eyes. This mangaka is very inspired by Clamp's work, I am not especially impressed by her "imagination". Especially considering that her work is not half as deep as Tokyo Babylon..
Too bad.
-- Anonymous, April 15, 2003
Hurm, I had the same prob. Mostly you should open one up in the kazaa and another of the same in another program (ex.windows media player) and fiddle with starting times so one is the right audio and one is the right picture. Its pretty screwed though so i don't even know if that will work -.-And caroline the artwork is much more exquisite and with all the plot lines out there they almost all have something in common with another anime/manga
-- Anonymous, July 10, 2003
Having read the Yami no Matsuei manga, I have to say that it is extremely different from Tokyo Babylon. The manga goes far beyond the show, and I'd hardly compare Muraki and Tsuzuki's relationship with Subaru and Seishirou's.
-- Anonymous, July 10, 2003