anime : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

who is anime? is she bad or good?

-- Anonymous, March 31, 2003


WTF??? y the fuck are you asking that

-- Anonymous, April 01, 2003

Anime is goooood. Very gooooood. Now be a good boy and you can have apple juice AND animal crackers! Won't that be great? I'll have the nice men in white change your bedpan. Stay out of trouble! I don't want you chewing on the cieling again... Be sure to wear your special jacket when you go outside... we wouldn't want other people thinking you're normal.

-- Anonymous, April 01, 2003

YOU IDIOT!!!!! What kind of a person would ask that kind of question at a page where ANIME fans post THEIR questions?! If you really want to figure out what anime is then WATCH some! And of course people that ask/answer questions are gonna say it's good! Anime isnt a 'she' either! ITS NOT A PERSON!!!!!!

-- Anonymous, April 02, 2003

?.? where you high when you got on the internet?

-- Anonymous, April 02, 2003

What a good question. WHO IS ANIME? MIAHAHAHAHA!!! You make me sick duh!! What kind of alien are you? Are you a refrigerator or a toaster?

-- Anonymous, April 02, 2003

WTF!!!!! Again why the hell are you here????? GTFO!!!!

-- Anonymous, April 05, 2003

WHAT??? Are you on crack or something?!?!?!

-- Anonymous, April 07, 2003

Lol this has more posts than other IMPORTANT topics...that fans why bother replying...

-- Anonymous, April 07, 2003

anime is a cartoon based on manga.

-- Anonymous, April 16, 2003

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