The Best and Worst P2P/DL Programs : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

Kazaa- Used to have good selection, not so good anymore. Slow, has tons of Adware, Spyware, and popups. Apparently if you get Kazaalite you won't have a problem with Adware, Spyware, popups, etc.

WinMX- Slow, huge queue lines, can access standard P2P networks, no Spyware, Adware, or popups. Works best with WinMX.

BlueBox Network's Fileshare- Just a few banners, no popups from what I've seen. Fast, but horrible selection and tons of sharing minimums. You can only access one network at a time.

eDonkey- No Spyware/Adware/popups, just a banner (as long as you skip the sponsored software section of the installation). EXCELLENT selection, but you can only access one network at a time. Forced uploading is its only weak point. It is an alternative client for the Overnet network.

iMesh- Absolutely horrible. More Adware/Spyware/popups than Kazaa, horrible selection, its only good point is fast downloads for what little you find.

Bittorrent- If you want new releases, you have to get bittorrent. Forced uploading if you get the official client. No network searching; the downloads are executed from .torrent files on the web. No Spyware, Adware, or popups.

Direct Connect- Download speed varies, upload slots and shared limit depend on which hub you access. Hubs are relatively small, ranging anywhere from 300 Gb to 10 Tb. No Spyware, Adware, or popups. Chat option is useful, reminiscent of IRC.

IRC- Good selection, difficult to use if you're not good with the commands (it's text based). Long queue lines, lots of waiting. Lots of new releases and all the hard to find stuff. No Spyware, Adware, or popups.

FTP Downloads- Almost no selection, takes forever to find a good server. You'll need a good client; explorer doesn't cut it. Even then you'll have a lot of failed or partial downloads. No Spyware, Adware, or popups.

Direct Downloads- Downloading from websites isn't the best choice unless you're behind a firewall. The episodes are usually low-qual and hard to find, and it's usually just the dubbed stuff that plays on American TV. Popups vary based on what site you go to.

Add to this FAQ if you can; I've never used Morpheus, Grokster, or some of the others so I didn't add them...

-- Anonymous, March 31, 2003



-- Anonymous, March 31, 2003

I don't agree that eDonkey is excellent, I thought it really sucked speed-wise and is the slowest site on the planet. I won't argue about the selection, though, almost everything you want is there and fairly easy to find.

-- Anonymous, March 31, 2003

Dude your don't know what your talking about imesh has alot of stuff and sometimes even more than kaaza don't post something unless u know what your talking about.

-- Anonymous, March 31, 2003

The results would speak otherwise... every search I make one iMesh, I get an average of 4 times as many results on edonkey searching for the same thing... hell, I even find more results on Kazaa, which is sad.

-- Anonymous, April 01, 2003

Kazaa now makes Savenow mandatory to be installed. Do not upgrade your Kazaa.

-- Anonymous, April 06, 2003

Has anybody tried k-lite +++ (Kazaa lite).It has no spyware,Removes the search more limit,Puts ur particpation level at 1000,etc... You can get it at

-- Anonymous, April 14, 2003

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