someone plz tell me a site fore slayers/next/try or oh my goddess and ranma 1/2 : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread


-- Anonymous, March 28, 2003


For what? That's the problem with leechers. They just request a great multitude of series without stating which format--.avi or .rm-- they prefer or sub/dub.

-- Anonymous, March 28, 2003

oops my bad i just wana know a a site fore one or the other doesnt mater to me but as fore the formaye ummmm .avi

-- Anonymous, March 28, 2003

nvm about the slayers saga can some one plz find ither oh my goddess or ranma 1/2 .avi dub tia.....and if any one whants to trade i have some rockman.exe eps :).

-- Anonymous, March 28, 2003

Ah, well now that you've made it clearer I suggest . It has Slayers NEXT in .avi format (but it uses eDonkey). Also, I think I saw a Bittorent link for TRY ep 1 a few days ago. I'll try to find it^^.

-- Anonymous, March 28, 2003

Ugh. Sorry about that. You can find Ranma at .

-- Anonymous, March 28, 2003


-- Anonymous, March 28, 2003

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