Problems with Nikon F65 : LUSENET : Photography Singapore : One Thread

Hi , I have got a Nikon F65 . Recently I have noticed that when I press the shutter in Shutter mode(S) or Aparture mode(A) the shutter release takes some time . It wasn't like this before. Previously , the shutter release was instantaneous . I wonder what has happened . Can anyone suggest...

-- PD (, March 28, 2003


I once attached my broken 28-105D to F65 to test, with flash SB50. The camera went nuts. Some kind of short circuit. Like, in low light, the shutter fired but never close and saw "ERR" in view finder. So I took out the bat. and leave it for few days. Now it's back to normal. I believed it bcuz of the lense. Try removing your bat. Clean the contact at mount and lense. May change battery if needed. U may try with other lense if you have. See if still get the same problem. I'm not clear when u say "Shutter release takes sometime" Is it shutter take sometime to fire after press (shutter lag) or after press it opens but take sometime to close the curtain. If it's the later, you may set shutter speed too long (2sec up or sth) in S mode or very small aperture in A and low light, then u require long shutter. if all doesn't work, bring it to Nikon Service centre, very friendly staffs their. hope it helpful

-- Nat (, April 15, 2003.

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