where can i download ranma and kenshin.greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread |
where can i download ranma and kenshin.I can't use direct connect.kazaa , winmx and imesh are slow...... do any one know any site that i can download it....... please tell me!
-- Anonymous, March 27, 2003
Ok...If you can't use those you're basically fucked because those are the programs that most people use to share their anime. Try mIRC then, I don't know any sites that would upload these anime's because it takes up space and bandwidth. Your best bet is to try out mIRC. Do you upload episodes and pay for the space and bandwidth? If not then why should other people? Think about that before not wanteing to use P2P's.
-- Anonymous, March 27, 2003
I said it a million times ....... get on IRC for anime...... the following chans offer Kenshin.... both subbed, dubbed, & subbed+dubbed OGMs....... all on aniverse server...... #anime-4ever, #animerevoloution, #animeHQ, #anime-peace
-- Anonymous, March 30, 2003
how do you download on mirc,im connected to the anime revolution server,so what do i do from there?
-- Anonymous, March 31, 2003
please send awnser in e-mail ,thank you.
-- Anonymous, March 31, 2003