Realtime AVI Capture or MPEG : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Dear Sir, I have just bought a "Pixelview Play TV Pro" TV tunner card.I bought it to convert my PAL Videos to VCD in full screen size.When I recorded a 10 second clip off my Video Camera, it saved it in AVI and file size was 68 Mb.I was shocked.I still have the option to return it and get a Mercury ( By Tuner card that captures in MPEG format in real time.I hope it is VCD format.I might also need to remove some clips from my movies and that would be all on the editing side.

In another experiment I converted a 4.45 minutes MPEG video (63Mb) into AVI and the size blew up to 2.1 Gb.I wonder why Prolink of Pixelview had to select AVI.

I also failed to find a software that could capture in MPEG1/VCD format off my Pixelview card.Ulead Studio uses the drivers that I installed for Pixelview and so offered the AVI option only.Doe that mean that the card is using hardware based capture in AVI ?

Sir please guide me soon as to what should I do.I have to decide in a day or the retailer would not take it back.

Thanks Azam

-- Webmaster (, March 24, 2003


Try WinDVR at This software should be able to record video in Mpeg1/Mpeg2 format using your TV card.

-- Tony (, March 27, 2003.

The best fir everything is Canopus ADVC 1394 card.... with WinProducer 3 DVD from Intervideo so visit this website If you need more help send email......Regards from tokalba

-- Ted Kalivas (, November 29, 2003.

These days I am looking to buy PixelView PlayTV PVR or Pro Tell me something about your card concern is if you have any critic or complain....Pleaase respond to me as soon as possible.... Regards TK

-- Ted Kalivas (, November 29, 2003.

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