Can anyone tell me where to find Escaflowne episodes! : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread |
Someone, please tell me where to find Escaflowne episodes. I don't care how. Please help me. I would like it very much if someone would tell me a website or could send it to me using streamload or something. thanks.
-- Anonymous, March 20, 2003
Also, can anyone tell me where to find decent manga translations for Escaflowne, thanks.
-- Anonymous, March 20, 2003 has a few of the episodes....
-- Anonymous, March 20, 2003 will have the manga soon.
-- Anonymous, March 21, 2003
Can anyone just send me episodes to my streamload account,please, it is Yashira. Thank you.
-- Anonymous, March 21, 2003
Get kazaa from and just type in what you're looking for, the have ALL the eps on there.
-- Anonymous, March 24, 2003
i found my Escaflowne video in a computer game store if that helps any.
-- Anonymous, March 24, 2003
Try any of the p2p's out there, they all have it. I recommend DC++ (
-- Anonymous, March 25, 2003
-- Anonymous, March 30, 2003
go to this place and you can find anything about escaflowne
-- Anonymous, August 20, 2003