Tampa By-Pass Canal

greenspun.com : LUSENET : ACL and SAL Railroads Historical Society : One Thread

Does anyone know what year the Tampa By-Pass Canal at the North end of Yoeman Yard was widened to it's present day width? I have some photos showing that as a creek, with a small trestle, prior to the current width and new long trestle.

Thank you!

-- Carey Stevens (ca.stevens@att.net), March 19, 2003


Most highway bridges in Florida have the installation date in the first concrete column. Go to the first highway bridge north of the A- line. It should give you the date.

-- Richard H Kearns (kearnsrh@aol.com), March 21, 2003.

It is the NORTH end. Carey,I think it was 1969 or 70.

-- Joseph Oates (jlosal@mindspring.com), March 20, 2003.

Sorry, East end of Yoeman Yard.

-- Carey Stevens (ca.stevens@att.net), March 20, 2003.

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