Heatguy J

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

It's wierd: I haven't seen Heatguy J gain practically any popularity, even though it's on of the coolest damn animes ever made. Has anyone here besides me actually even seen it? I mean, it's been available on bittorrent for months now... And, it's one of the few animes to incorporate almost complete CG for the effects. Heck, you can even tell most of the 2D animation is CG. BUT WHY DOES NOONE WATCH IT? WHY GOD? WHY??!!!!

-- Anonymous, March 18, 2003


hmm.. I dnloaded it from Bittorrent..but it was too odd..I mean whatts with the robot guy??? C'mon..the anime is so-so and the music scores need improvement..lol

-- Anonymous, May 06, 2003

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