Trigun Music?????????? : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread |
Does anyone know the name of the song that Rem sung in the show. Also where to find it. They keep singing the first two lines throughout the show and wanted to hear the whole thing.
-- Anonymous, March 17, 2003
Oh? Do you mean "Sound Life"? You can download that song off from Kazaa...^^. Personally I thoughtthat the full version wasn't as finrly composed as the *cut* one in the series (most of it is just instrumental and the song isn't realy added onto at all [~2-4 verses in total].
-- Anonymous, March 17, 2003
song of live
-- Anonymous, May 29, 2003
The song rem sings is sound life...look up the genocide song though hehe that the best
-- Anonymous, June 15, 2003