Old ganster sites to visit in SF

greenspun.com : LUSENET : San Francisco History : One Thread

What would be some fun sites to visit (other than Alcatraz) for a group of nutty adults who want gangsters to be the theme of their visit to SF?

-- nancy m warren (nancymwarren@yahoo.com), March 15, 2003


This listing is from the Contra Costa Times: Customized Tours of San Francisco -- The Great Frisco Crime Tour. Film and Fiction Tour. The Historical/Hysterical Tour of San Francisco. San Francisco. 415-469- 2088.

You should also check the San Francisco yellow pages under "tours" -- there are a lot of walking and bus tours with a crime-site theme.

Annette Tappe (of the family that runs Tappe's Bar) used to have a crime scene tour that was really great, but I don't know if she's still doing it.

If the Great SF Crime Tour is the one led by a guy who wears a vintage Sam Spade suit (and who invented the San Francisco Trivia Game) it's also a really good tour.

-- Rosa (rosadebon@yahoo.com), March 16, 2003.

Take Russell's San Francisco True Crime Tour, a two and a half-hour limousine tour of the city guided by master storyteller Russell Kyle. We take you to the place where Patty Hearst was held captive in a closet, and then the bank she later helped rob! You'll see the place where Black Bart, the notorious stagecoach robber who left poems for the police, was lured and finally captured! You'll re-live the days of Jim Jones People's Temple, long before Jonestown, as we drive by the location of their Fillmore headquarters.

San Francisco has a richly notorious history, and a ride with Russell will bring it to life for you.

Find out more at our website:



-- russell kyle (sfcrime@earthlink.net), August 22, 2003.

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