learn saxophone

greenspun.com : LUSENET : carnatic.com : One Thread


Ok this is surely not related to carnatic, but I could not any other place on the net. I am interested in learning Saxophone. Can any one please suggest institutes/ teachers in Pune for this.

thanks in advance.


-- seshagiri Rao (raoseshagiri@lycos.com), March 14, 2003



Its not hard thing to learn Saxophone initially as the instrument looks like a "Elephant". But it takes effort to master as it is in case of every musical instrument.

If you get a teacher, it is very good. If not, do not kill your "longing" of learning Sax. Its very easy. Now many good books are there. All you need is to get a basic one which showes you the notes and finger positions. And you need to know how to user the Reed in the mouthpiece. May for for first couple of weeks you get some problems. Then it will be OK.

Don't think the first day you can compete with Kenny G or Kadri Gopalnath. :) It will take time.

And most important, find a best suitable size for your hands. Instrument must fit your finger size. If not, it will disturb your motivation of learning. If you are in a regular adult size, then Alto type will match OR if you have long figers go for Tenor.


-- vsnet (n_vsnet@hotmail.com), March 31, 2003.

I am a professional sax player who gives lessons. I am hoping to be in Pune someday soon. If there is enough interest in lessons it would be great fun to get some students on their way. If you are interested in a good tone, pitch and improvisation I can help you.

-- Mo Rolland (public@morrisrolland.com), December 01, 2004.

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