How did Poe's wife die? : LUSENET : The Work of Edgar Allan Poe : One Thread |
How did Poe's wife die? I don't know and it would help me for a school project.
-- Anonymous, March 12, 2003
It was tuberculosis. I had to do a report on him so i knew bout it.
-- Anonymous, March 12, 2003
Yes, she was stinky and died!
-- Anonymous, March 16, 2003
virginia poe's wife died of consumption(t/b)
-- Anonymous, March 18, 2003
nothing u idiots she's still alive!
-- Anonymous, November 06, 2003
i wouldnt listen to a thing twinklebabes beverley says he is a idiot who likes to cause trouble
-- Anonymous, December 05, 2003
really... how did his wife die?????
-- Anonymous, October 06, 2004
kill by Poe
-- Anonymous, October 20, 2004
She died of constant use of illegal drugs
-- Anonymous, October 25, 2004
Tuberculosis, I just read it in my literature book, i'm doing a dumb internet scavanger hunt thing...
-- Anonymous, October 25, 2004
She died of tuberculosis
-- Anonymous, November 02, 2004
but When did she die?
-- Anonymous, November 08, 2004
she wasted away...
-- Anonymous, November 08, 2004
She died of tuberculosis, not drug overdose.
-- Anonymous, November 21, 2004
he raped her
-- Anonymous, November 29, 2004
i really dont care how she died but ya'll sound really stupid by saying some of the stuff ya'll are sayin its kinda pissing me off
-- Anonymous, November 30, 2004
stop talking about me im not dead im still alive. I was frozen to keep preserved and take over the world. terbuculosis was just a cover up so no one would find me and take over my master plan to take over the world so stop saying im dead Mwahahahahaha
-- Anonymous, December 02, 2004
Verginai died january ?,1847 and tubercleoses killed her im doing a research on poe.
-- Anonymous, February 10, 2005
Some people are actually trying to do reshearch and some of your responces are really imature so please don't send a responce in if you are not intending to give a correct answer.
-- Anonymous, February 24, 2005
y the fuck ya niggas care bout this so much just think this was years ago so how u goin to think that she is still alive
-- Anonymous, March 06, 2005