Is there an Alexander sound track CD? : LUSENET : Aeon Flux : One Thread

Is there an Alexander sound track CD?

-- Igniz (, March 07, 2003


Given Tokyopop's cheerfully mercenary attitude, I'm sure they'll release one sooner or later. In the West, that is. I've bought their soundtrack for GTO, and was somewhat disappointed. I think the best bet will be to start hunting on-line and buy the Japanese version.

-- Charles Martin (, March 07, 2003.

Did the Japanese release a sound track? I've looked online quite a bit and didn't see any through the internet.

-- Igniz (, March 07, 2003.

Here's a little information relevant to the search for a sound track. I asked Tokyopop if there were any Reign goodies besides the DVDs. Tokyopop e. mailed this on 2003 February 24, ..."Right now there are no plans for Reign promotional items, however should anything come up, our web-site would be the place to find out the latest news. Hope this helps!"

-- Igniz (, March 07, 2003.

There is a soundtrack CD, put together in Japan. It's titled "Alexander: The Compilation." Copies seem to be for sale at reasonable prices regularly on Yahoo's Japanese auction site, but most sellers won't ship internationally. You'd have to use a service to buy from there (Celga, or Rinkya). I'm also writing to a store that I buy frequently from, to see if they can find it.

If you need more info, feel free to write to me.

-- Aimee Powell (, December 02, 2003.

Thanks. I'll look into it.

-- Igniz (, December 02, 2003.

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