sailor moon and inuyasha movies : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

Please!!! Where I find, on web, sailor moon and inuyasha movies? Sorry, I am from Brazil, my english is so terrible... Please Help me...T_T Kisses! Dani

-- Anonymous, March 06, 2003

Answers The first InuYasha movie and about 10 eps.

-- Anonymous, March 06, 2003

Some people just don't have any intelligence...

-- Anonymous, March 07, 2003

Danita, Just ignore those meanie. Any way, for the sailormoon, it's really hard to find a site on HTTP, and I couldn't find it on Kazaa, edonkey either. The only place that I know have them is IRC channel ( but if you ahve a slow connect, then it wouldn't help. Oh, I have the first(classic) and fifth(sailorstar) season of sailormoon in freeloader if you want them. As for INuyasha, you could get them at the site above, or if you looking for the few first episodes, then I could give you the site. I also have them on streamload (eps 1-37,71) that are freeloader friendly, and the rest are for streamloader. Kazaa, Bittorren are the best places if you want to find the later episodes. Hope this help!

-- Anonymous, March 07, 2003

Please note that Sailor Moon is becoming increasingly rare on the net these days and excellent quality encodes of Sailor Moon cartoons and movies pretty much no longer exist. The only alternative is to buy them DVD, LD, VHS or whatever is available in Brazil.

-- Anonymous, March 11, 2003

trying to find a armatage movies mostly polymatrix need help

-- Anonymous, April 07, 2003

the only place where u can find sailor moon movies is winmx.You will have to download it first.just go to download it and then search for sailor moon videos.all the movies are there.It will take a lot of time to download them though but it worths.

-- Anonymous, May 22, 2003

Look jake Ass I Just went some Inuyasha Movies Bitch

-- Anonymous, June 06, 2003

There is a place to go that sells a lot of Sailor moon things like dvd and posters and stuff like that. Its store/shop

-- Anonymous, June 19, 2003


-- Anonymous, August 29, 2003

hey danita! Cosmos here! I am a huge anime fan as well and sailor moon is one of my faves! if you just go to google and type in sailor moon it gives you so many sites and many of them you can download episodes or movies! or if you go to you can look up the sailor moon movies and series and buy them from there! thats basically were i get most of my anime! hope this helps! *^_^*

-- Anonymous, November 16, 2003

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