What works in your church?greenspun.com : LUSENET : A.M.E. Today Discussion : One Thread |
Howdy everybody! A special "shout-out" to Prof. QED! Ol'Ray has been busy! I have been busy gathering information concerning a study we are conducting. I wish to ask my friends "please identify 5 things" which work in your church (e.g. evangelism, Christian Education, etc.). Also, which meetings do you regularly attend? I have discovered that some churches do not conduct Official Board or any type of administrative meetings. And love feast...forget about it! I look forward to your responses. If you wish to keep your response private, just e-mail direct. Thanks!
-- Anonymous, March 05, 2003
A couple things that work in our church our a men's fellowship, women's fellowship, couples ministry, Bible study with teaching and preaching, and a discipleship program. One thing that has worked is the love feast that I have brought back to the church. But the best service that we have that we got straight from the Gospel, is when Jesus washed the feet of His disciples. But instead of a footwashing service, we have a FOOTRUBBING SERVICE that everyone is into.
-- Anonymous, March 05, 2003
Great question, Bro. Ray My list is not in any particular order but these "things " are working at St Paul, Canbridge(my view, of course) * The Missionary Society Circles - Food pantry, Prison Ministry, senior services, St Luke Medical Guild, Sick/shut in . * The Music Department including the Angel Without Wings Youth Choir 100 + strong. *Girls Brigade and the Sons of Allen - Girl and Boy organizations * SafeHaven , a domestic violence hotline * Math and Science project for academic enrichment for elementary age youth.We do have Love Feast after Bible Study on the Weds before the First Sunday.
I am not sure if your question about meeting attendance is direted to Pastors or others. Being an "other", this week I am in to meetings/service every night this week,
-- Anonymous, March 06, 2003
Parson Ray -The following ministries 'work' at Bethel AMEC of Tallahassee, FL:
a. Church School (no suprise here)
b. YPD
c. Mid-Day Bible Study
d. Daughters of Sarah Allen
e. Bethel CDC
Perhaps your study could benefit by also learning about what "doesn't work". If I was so asked I could amend the above list by highlighting those activites which need further work. QED
-- Anonymous, March 06, 2003
Great question. Bill could you tell me a little more about your churches mid day bible study? We are thinking of having one at one of the coffee houses in town. I would love to hear about yours. Thanks
-- Anonymous, March 06, 2003
I am sure that if they serve lunch at the noon Bible Study, Prof. Dickens attends. :o)But truthfully, we at Bethel, Ann Arbor have a noon Bible Study and our dear Kitchen Committee Chair always prepares a repast for us. FOOD for the SOUL and then Food for the BODY. It works! When I miss Bible Study, I feel very empty (spiritually)until the next one. I really enjoy the discussions and the fellowship.
-- Anonymous, March 06, 2003
Actually we used to have a dinner before our Wednesday evening Prayer Meeting & Bible Study. I did attend but when the dinner was eliminated I somehow lost my "appetite" to attend the evening meetings. Jesus afterall did say, 'Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word which proceedeth out of the Mouth of God'. However, Barbara please do not take that passage out of context and deny me my sustentation when I visit the Motor City later this year :-) QED
-- Anonymous, March 07, 2003
Q. What does work.....?A. The new member training works extremely well for me. The Know Your Church manual and The Church Member's Guide (by Jonathann A. Dames) are invaluable educational tools. Sometimes it seems like ninety days are not enough. A structured curriculum is recommended for maximum effectiveness. By learning about the church, in general, and the personality of the church where they are joining, in particular, new or potential members can be prepared to take their rightful place and function competently in our part of the churches of God's Zion.
-- Anonymous, March 24, 2003
i guess you all are not getting it, Nothing seem to be working at the church i attend, all those ministeries are available, but we are not attracting any young people. Between the ages of 18 to 35 there are only about 4 in a roll membership of 650 and only 125 attending. we need a change of the guard, some one with a program that will attract youth and not promote socializing.
-- Anonymous, March 25, 2003
I need to make a (spelling) correction. The latest entry concerning the new membership training was made by Rev. Earlston Eugene DeSilva. Also, if God has placed a burden on your heart concerning attracting and involving young persons (between the ages of 18 and 35), perhaps that is your ministry.
-- Anonymous, March 26, 2003