Tallulah Falls Railroad Engine #545

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Southern Railway : One Thread

A paperback book published in 1977 called Trains,Trestles,and Tunnels shows a picture of TF engine(possible 4-4-0) #545 resting inside the southern railway roundhouse in Asheville sometime around 1953.The caption tells of the A.J.Cromwell locomotive that ran on the TF railroad was used in the Disney movie "The Great Locomotive Chase".I have searched the internet at several sites but have'nt been able to locate this engine. My question is does anyone know where this engine may be at this time and what condition it may be in. Thanks rdc.

-- Robert Daniel Cashwell (rdcsouthern@aol.com), March 02, 2003


It seems that if you dig deep enough, you can answer your own question, which I will do .The AJ Cromwell engine, class E8 2-8-0, was built in 1888 for the Baltimore and Ohio railroad. It was used in several movies during it's career and now is resting quietly at the Baltimore and Ohio railroad museum in Baltimore Md.

-- Robert Daniel Cashwell (rdcsouthern@aol.com), April 14, 2003.

Just a note here. I don't know how "quietly" it resides in the B&O Museum now, since a large portion of the roof was taken out by heavy snow recently. Many pieces of the collection were destroyed or damaged. I wonder how this engine faired??

-- Dale E. Burns (burns186@bellsouth.net), April 14, 2003.

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