Has anyone heard of Record of a Yokohama Shopping Trip?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

I just started reading the Record of a Yokohama Shopping Trip manga... it's very... uh... different. Not trippy like Serial Experiments Lain, just really different. AWESOME ART, tho. I know a shopping trip isn't exactly an exciting premise for a manga, but so far I've only read the prologue and the first chapter. Something very freaky is going on with the plot... seriously check this out. It's very worth it. Strange, very different, but very worth it.


post your opinions here... I'm really interested to hear what other people think of this.

-- Anonymous, February 28, 2003


This is definitely completly different from what you expect when you hear Record of a Yokohama Shopping Trip manga. When I started reading, it reminded me at first more of an Isaac Isimov novel. Read it until the second Volume now, and I think it IS a real AWESOME piece of art, there seems to be a very meaningful plot like in Serial Experiments Lain, which I consider the BEST anime ever watched. YKK is never dreary, but very lovely and warm. Have not heard of this manga before, seems you can buy it only in japanese. Itīs VERY worth reading and thanks a lot for posting this link :)

-- Anonymous, February 28, 2003

Hmm, hmm. I'm downloading Volume 1 right now. I'm always on the lookout for different stuff so I hope I like YYK. I'll post my thoughts sometime this weekend, once I've had the chance to read it.

-- Anonymous, February 28, 2003

Oh, yeah... I've heard of it. ^_^ I consider it very much 'Zen Manga'. I got a friend hooked on it so hard that he made *me* create a forum for it:


Come join us and have a drink. ^_^

-- Anonymous, March 08, 2003

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