Matriculated : LUSENET : Aeon Flux : One Thread

Does anyone know the exact release date of the Matriculated short and whether it will be released online or with another film at the theater? Either the Wachowski's and Co. haven't locked down the exact release dates for their shorts or they are being incredibly and unneccessarily secretive about the projects.

-- Zachary Overcash (, February 27, 2003


its only going to be available on the DVD/VHS.

look for it in June i believe.

-- Joshua Klessig (, March 08, 2003.

Also, I'm gonna tack a question onto this for the hell of it. Does anyone know if Matriculated is going to feature voice acting by any of the voice actors from Aeon Flux? In the 4:30 trailer, there were some familiar voices, but I couldn't nail them down.

-- Joshua Klessig (, April 10, 2003.

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