How about connectional revival meetings? : LUSENET : A.M.E. Today Discussion : One Thread

Brothers and Sisters It appears that if we came together for ministry and revival we could pack any stadium in the world. How do you feel about three revival meetings a year. One for men (three or four days), women and couples. We could have our own preachers and teachers from every district (especially our overseas districts). We could have Rev. Denise provide instruction on the importance of electronic Ministry and Professor QED on economic development as well.

Any Ideas? God Bless You

-- Anonymous, February 26, 2003


I find that would be something to consider maybe some of our Connectional Organizations can tie in their meetings with a Connectional Revivial -- In addition, the Connectional RAYAC (richard Allen Young Adult Council) is planning a Youth/Young Adult Summmitt that will invole a revivial type worship services.

-- Anonymous, February 26, 2003

I love the idea of revival meetings. I laughed when I read that I could give instruction on electronic ministry. I do not consider myself a web master. I know you guys are going to laugh but I have only attended two revivals in my life. I grew up United Methodist and they don't really do revivals. So I would love going to a revival meeting. My church is planning two big revival meetings this summer on the Indian reservations. Great idea!

-- Anonymous, February 26, 2003

Dear Rev.Denise You unfortunately have little idea of the profound impact of your postings on this board. God is glorified by your diligent service. The only competition you may have might be Rev. John (Smile)

God Bless You

-- Anonymous, February 26, 2003

Thank you for your compliment but there is no competition. Rev. Fisher is the "teacher extraordinaire" and I am but one of his many pupils. He sets the bar high for electronic christian ministry and he leads by example. Without Rev. Fisher daring to tread new ground none of us would know each other and because of him there is a dynamic Christian fellowship world wide through A.M.E Today. Rev. Fisher stands back and generously allows us to grow spiritually and intellectually through the use of this board. I know for myself I have made friends on this board that will last a life time because Rev. Fisher and Sis. Jan pour their money and time into maintaining this board. Let us always lift Rev. Fisher in prayer for he ministers to us all. As for me, I am just a country preacher trying to keep track of my sunshine state brother bill dickens. Thank you for your affirmations I think of you and your family as friends. God bless.

-- Anonymous, February 26, 2003

Interesting responses. Let me take a diffierent slant. I think that we have too many connectional meetings now. We continue to meet as if technology was still in the 1800s. Perhaps our forefathers/mothers needed the General/Annual/District/PE District/ Quarterly Conferences so they could fellowship with each other. However, today, we can be at a conference in South Africa on Monday and be in Los Angeles preaching at FAME on Tuesday. As a Pastor, I am resposible for at least 20 different conferences comprising a total of about 65 days. Given the size of Texas, this translates into about 50 nights in hitel/motel(s) with no little expense. I struggle to get a revival at the local church leve, where I believe is is sorely needed and benefit our zion more than any other place. One man's opinion

BE Blessed

Pastor Paris

-- Anonymous, February 26, 2003

Dear Rev. Paris I am always happy to have your "One Man's Opinion". Your slant on this suggestion does carry merit on the subject of Connectional meetings. On that score we agree. The difficulty there is that the Church does not have the telecommunications infrastructure to support electronic based media meetings. This would consititute probably the most significant investment the Church could make.

My Approach was more towards having Connectional fellowship more than business meetings.

I appreciate your response and am glad to hear from you. I hope all is going well with the tremendous work you are doing in Texas.

Blessings to your family as well!

-- Anonymous, February 28, 2003

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