does any one have the first movie of inu yasha in ENGLISH or know where to get it? : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

I have been searching and searching but I cant find the fisrt movie of inu yasha that is in english does it even exist. I will be forever gratefull to any one who can find it ^-^.

-- Anonymous, February 23, 2003


I dont think the movie in english exists. Just get it subbed.

-- Anonymous, February 23, 2003

hey dog, maybe I could help you out. I have a FTP site, it has the following INU eps 01-44,54,60,91,92,94,95,97 and the 1st INU movie my FTP site has almost 22GB of animes (it has more than just INU) you could AIM me (ViDIoGAmeFreaK12) or ICQ (210089138) or you could just email be back. c ya

-- Anonymous, February 24, 2003 they had it under the "Movies" section, but don't know what language is it...

-- Anonymous, February 26, 2003

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