Inuyasha Rules! (wanna trade episodes?) : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread |
I have watched 97 straight episodes of Inuyasha. That's right, 97! This series is like the simpsons: no matter how many episodes you watch, you never get tired of it and they keep getting better.Speaking of Inuyasha, I will trade you any 3 Subtitled Inuyasha episodes (I have 1-97, and I'm downloading 98) for either Yu Yu Hakusho Episode 7 Subtitled, and/or (if both, you get 6 episodes) Outlaw Star Episode 20 Subtitled.
Email me. I can trade through IRC and AIM. I have had problems with MSN and Yahoo, but I may be able to set something up...
-- Anonymous, February 18, 2003
Have 97, acquiring 98.KaZaa is so lovely.
-- Anonymous, February 19, 2003
have 97 sub and 98,99,100 raw
-- Anonymous, February 19, 2003
I think I kinda miswrote the topic... what I mean is I'm willing to trade my Inuyasha episodes for something else. I have 1-98 subbed, and I'm willing to trade them for something else...specifically; Yu Yu Hakusho, subtitled episodes past #6 Outlaw Star Episode 20, Subtitled Escaflowne 6 and 7, subtitled
you may have something else I may be interested in; but I will trade you 3 episodes for any of the items on that list...
-- Anonymous, February 19, 2003