Poe's womengreenspun.com : LUSENET : The Work of Edgar Allan Poe : One Thread |
Can anyone give me specific names of women Poe was involved with or a website where I can get information about his love life?
-- Anonymous, February 17, 2003
School chums for whom he penned some poems like "Alone". Mrs. Stanard, Elmira Royster, Virginia Clemm(wife), Frances Osgood, Sarah Whitman, Annie Richmond etc. etc. Fianceed to Roytser, boyhood crush on Stanard, flirtatious poetic exchanges with several ladies, gratitude to two(Marie Shew, Mrs. Clemm "To My Mother").Sex with and married to only one confirmed- Virginia. You have to get a full biography. Some of his poems are idealized takes on his mostimportant relationships(usually idealized in practice too) or lesser poems more personal and direct(acrostics, valentines, etc.).
-- Anonymous, February 21, 2003
He got it on w/ a lot of women..what a player=)
-- Anonymous, May 26, 2003